Regatta Spotlights: Camden Classics Cup and Boothbay Yacht Club Regatta

Photo Courtesy of Camden Classics Cup

Summer might seem far away in the depths of winter, but really the Classics sailing season is right around the corner! Before you get your boat out of storage and plan your summer itinerary, we want to give you a peek behind the scenes of the regattas that make up the CYOA’s Classic Yacht Challenge Series (CYCS).

To kick off this sneak peak, CYOA spoke with Holly Paterson, the event director of the Camden Classics Cup, and Charlie Willauer of the Boothbay Yacht Club Regatta and Shipyard Cup Classics Challenge to see what makes these events so special:

CYOA: What is the history and tradition behind this regatta, and how does it influence the experience for participants?

Holly Paterson: The Camden Classics Cup launched in 2016, and has grown steadily over the last 9 years.  The event draws on Camden’s rich history of shipbuilding, being hosted on the site where boats have been built and serviced for over 200 years. Camden’s continued strong maritime community is a big part of the event, with a robust local windjammer fleet that welcomes guests aboard to join the races.

Charlie Willauer: Four years ago, Ken Colburn and Bob Scribner, long-time racers at Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club (BHYC), reshaped the club’s annual regatta. They brought together the former Shipyard Cup, run by Tim Hodgdon of Hodgdon Yachts (the longest running family-owned boat builder in the country) and then added a Classics Challenge component. The result is the BHYC Regatta and Shipyard Cup Classics Challenge. Many competitors remember larger, PHRF regattas in Boothbay in years past but what has been really exciting is the formal addition of the classic yachts.

CYOA: What sets the fleet of classic yachts at your regatta apart from other similar events? Are there specific types of yachts or notable vessels that regularly participate?

HP: The Camden Classics Cup welcomes a large variety of vessels and classes to our regatta.  In addition to participation from Camden’s local windjammer fleet (mentioned above), the CCC welcomes an impressive fleet of pedigreed classics and modern classics (many from our very own Midcoast Maine boatbuilders).  We offer a special start for the daysailer fleet.  This past year, we welcomed a special class of Dark Harbor 20s from Islesboro’s historic fleet. 

CW: We're bringing together competitors throughout New England for some unique racing around the islands in the picturesque, Boothbay region. We’re striving to have the BHYC Regatta and Shipyard Cup and Classic Challenge be a must-do regatta for the many boats coming from Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts for a series of races on the coast of Maine. This year we plan to have increased participation from both PHRF and classics fleet. We purposely host our regatta one week before the Camden Classics Challenge.

CYOA: What is special at your event to celebrate the classic yacht racing community during the event?

HP: The top celebratory feature must be the festive Parade of Sail.  The fleet travels through Camden Harbor, where thousands of spectators come out to watch the vessels in dress ship parade though the inner harbor.  Live announcing, cannons, music and Bloody Mary’s on the roof of Salt Wharf (at Lyman-Morse), all make it a huge community celebration.  

CW: Bristol Marine, who runs the Boothbay shipyard, provides docking for participating classic yachts. As a lead sponsor, they are true partners in hosting the classics and promoting the Classics Challenge division of the regatta. Bristol is even providing impromptu repairs for some of these yachts.

CYOA: What aspects of your regatta make it a must-attend event for sailors and enthusiasts—whether it’s the location, race format, social atmosphere, or something else?

HP: The location at Lyman-Morse’s recently rebuilt marina complex truly sets us the Camden Classics Cup apart as a regatta.  All visitors to Camden’s vibrant downtown have front row seats to one of the most stunning displays of classic yachts, rafted 4 deep, coupled with some of the nicest marina facilities around.  This is all set against the backdrop of one of New Englands’ prettiest harbors, “where the mountains meet the sea” in Camden, Maine.

CW: The BHYC Regatta is known for the Saturday night dock party for all participating sailors and sponsors. We provide fresh seafood and culinary delights to 600 sailors and sponsors. The regatta party is like no other on the Maine coast and we intend to uphold this reputation in the future!

CYOA: How does your regatta engage the wider community, and are there unique activities or events that connect spectators and non-sailors with the world of classic yachts?

HP: The Camden Classics Cup truly is a community-wide event.  Besides the lively Parade of Sail, we also host a FREE Youth Regatta, where kids from ages 12-18 race Optis and 240s and receive professional coaching, food, and awards.  The social events are some of the most sought-after tickets for those around town, and community-wide events like shore clean-ups, a vendor “village”, speaker series, and more are tied throughout the week to the regatta.

CW: The BHYC Regatta and Shipyard Cup Classics Challenge is one of the main summer events in Boothbay Harbor. Many spectators from the region come out on the water to view races over the weekend. On Sunday morning, we have a parade through the inner harbor that brings many town residents and guests together to watch the beautiful yachts. Many businesses in the local area are sponsors which helps bring the community together to support the regatta. Aside from the regatta, and their own members, BHYC is committed to promoting sailing and racing on the peninsula. BHYC runs junior and adult sailing programs for sailors in the community.

Boothbay Classic Yacht Regatta

Check back here on the CYOA website often for more looks behind the curtain of upcoming CYCS regattas and subscribe to our Newsletter to be kept informed. And if you aren’t a CYOA member yet, sign up today so you don’t miss out on the opportunities membership provides!

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The Classic Yacht Owners Association is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations and membership fees are charitable contributions and tax-deductible. Employer Identification Number: 81-285925

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