Q. I’ve noticed that on my certificate I have a CYOA Division listed, but that division is not always the one that I compete under. Sometimes, I compete against a group of yachts, but at another regatta, I’m in a different division. Why is that?

A. Sailboat racing is at its best when participating boats are divided into groups of similar size, age, and type.   Toward this end, all boats racing under CRF are assigned to a Division before their CRF Certificate is issued.  All Division assignments are made at the discretion of the CYOA Technical Committee.  The Division assignments are provided as guidelines to Organizing Authorities; each regatta may, based on their individual traditions or numbers of entries, place competitors from  different divisions in the same class, so you may not compete against the same yachts in the same class in all events.  The CYOA Challenge season awards are scored within assigned Divisions, however.